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MRI CT Scanners and DNO Voltage fluctuations.

How are older (6-10 years) MRI CT scanners running in the UKs Hospitals coping with Line voltage peaks exceeding 440 volts rms ?

Is it fair to link peaks like this on PV on sunny days even in winter ?

Ian King MIET.

  • PV inverters are meant to disconnect if the grid voltage goes beyond normal limits - so in theory shouldn't be the cause of voltages exceeding 253V L-N (230V+10%) or 440V L-L. The rules are getting a bit more involved these days (so things are more likely 'ride through' some slightly dodgy events rather than everything suddenly shutting off together which tends to cause even more serious problems for the grid)  which might mean there are a few occasions when normal limits are apparently exceeded but generally things should remain within bounds. Similarly most inverters are adjustable and it might not be beyond the realms of possibility that someone's upped a limit (perhaps to allow for voltage drop on the connection circuit, with the intention that things still shouldn't go above 253V at the point of connection) but again if it's been done properly it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

      - Andy.

  • PV inverters are meant to disconnect if the grid voltage goes beyond normal limits - so in theory shouldn't be the cause of voltages exceeding 253V L-N (230V+10%) or 440V L-L. The rules are getting a bit more involved these days (so things are more likely 'ride through' some slightly dodgy events rather than everything suddenly shutting off together which tends to cause even more serious problems for the grid)  which might mean there are a few occasions when normal limits are apparently exceeded but generally things should remain within bounds. Similarly most inverters are adjustable and it might not be beyond the realms of possibility that someone's upped a limit (perhaps to allow for voltage drop on the connection circuit, with the intention that things still shouldn't go above 253V at the point of connection) but again if it's been done properly it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

      - Andy.

  • Werl... It is possible, especially with a campus like a hospital that loads between the embedded generator (of any type) would mask a rising voltage at the point of supply. Such as if the transformer was tapped at a low ratio historically, and the local HV is now running higher than nominal due to reduced load.

    Or if there's a "voltage optimiser" in series and someone forgot to adjust the G59/G99 interface settings on the downstream SSEGs (which would be a breach of the connection agreement).