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support of overhead lines

Just want to check my interpretation of guidance

Just thinking about how to get a cable across to a single level garage. Personally I would prefer to take it underground but suspect the customer won't got for that.

From my interpretation according to table D2 in the onsite guide I can run any PVC cable for a span of 3m without any additional support, but it needs to be 3.5m above the ground. Sounds like the customer has already purchased some 16mm SWA cable, which is way over the tope for what he needs.

The obvious choice is to use a pole on the garage side, personally never liked the look of that. I am considering using something like a 4 * 2 or 3* 2 beam across the roughly 2m gap at about 2.4m, any reason why it wouldn't be acceptable?

If I go for the pole it doesn't look like I need a catenary wire, but it may be the easiest way of supporting it to avoid chafing anyway.

I welcome suggestions,

  • AFAIK, The height requirement over a pedestrian walkway was firstly to allow for people carrying ladders or long lengths of building materials, and secondly to place it out of easy jumping range from children who might otherwise climb upon or swing from the cable.

  • AFAIK, The height requirement over a pedestrian walkway was firstly to allow for people carrying ladders or long lengths of building materials, and secondly to place it out of easy jumping range from children who might otherwise climb upon or swing from the cable.

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