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Is there any definition or guidance as to what a 'Routine Check' should cover

There is very detailed guidance readily available as to what is necessary to cover for the formal periodic inspections of electrical installations, however there appears to be a dearth of information as to what should be covered in the interim routine checks. Is anyone aware of a checklist that would clarify this.

Many thanks for any advice.

  • For the fixed installation, Table 3.1 (and other items discussed in Section 3.5) of IET Guidance Note 3.

    For electrical equipment and systems in general, it really depends on the purpose of the system or equipment.

    To be quite frank, the standards for equipment effectively put this duty on the manufacturer to identify the sorts of things (and when/how/why) they ought to occur ... and for general installations and systems, the onus is placed on the Client, along with the Designer and Contractor, to address these in the CDM information.

    From that, the relevant Duty Holder ought to address going forward (EAWR, PUWER, and general H&S@Wetc.Act duties)

  • For the fixed installation, Table 3.1 (and other items discussed in Section 3.5) of IET Guidance Note 3.

    For electrical equipment and systems in general, it really depends on the purpose of the system or equipment.

    To be quite frank, the standards for equipment effectively put this duty on the manufacturer to identify the sorts of things (and when/how/why) they ought to occur ... and for general installations and systems, the onus is placed on the Client, along with the Designer and Contractor, to address these in the CDM information.

    From that, the relevant Duty Holder ought to address going forward (EAWR, PUWER, and general H&S@Wetc.Act duties)

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