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Disconnection times on a system if a stand by generator is used

On a fully designed power distribution system, clearly the fault levels, earth loop impedances and ultimately fuse disconnection times are determined by the system parameters Transformer %Z etc one or two in parallel for min and max fault levels levels. What needs to be considered when bringing on a stand-by generator, clearly all Fault levels, Earth loop impedances and consequently fuse disconnection times would change because of the Generator parameters. How would you design in these new parameters, bearing in mind that disconnection times on a large system may no longer be achievable 

  • AJ says ask the Generator manufacturer for parameter details, that is clearly the first place you would go, they will give you a Prospective Short Circuit value, transient and sub-transient value how would these values be used to provide a Ze, a true Prospective short circuit current value to start to evaluate system impedances

  • AJ says ask the Generator manufacturer for parameter details, that is clearly the first place you would go, they will give you a Prospective Short Circuit value, transient and sub-transient value how would these values be used to provide a Ze, a true Prospective short circuit current value to start to evaluate system impedances

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