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Quinetic Wireless Controller Turning on Spuriously (?)

Has anyone come across a Quinetic wireless controller turning on of its own accord i.e without its paired switch being pressed?

I haven't, and it seems very unlikely, but I have a customer who is convinced that her external lights (which are controlled by Quinetic wireless controllers) have come on "on their own" 2 or 3 times over a period of a few months, always overnight.

My suspicion is that the lights have been left on unnoticed during the day and then noticed at some point in the night.  That said, they are quite bright and noticeable, to my eye, when on in daylight.

I've checked them out a few times and everything seems ok - thoughts?

Thanks in advance


  • Silly questions first - Is there anything else controlling the lights - like a forgotten PIR behind a shed or such like (that might be triggered by wind or animals)?

    I've always been a bit suspicious of some of the pairing methods (e.g. press a button and anything activated in the new few minutes gets paired) - occasionally there must be a chance of another transmitter next door getting paired by mistake.

    Or just random interference that very occasionally happens to take the form of a valid signal.

        - Andy.

  • Another silly: Could the controller reset to "on" for commissioning purposes after an transient dip / brief power cut? If it's happening overnight and all of the appliances with clocks have internal batteries, the owners may be blissfully unaware of such events. I know the IR-controlled fan/lights do at our place.

  • I have fitted a few of these and have one myself. Generally they are very reliable but occasionally I have had some odd behavior, such as for example, lights coming on for no reason and then being switched off by a PIR instead of on. Turning off the supply to the receiver and then on always works and the pairing isn't lost.

  • Thanks Andy, Yes, it's always worth checking for the silly things!   This is a new installation so nothing hidden and I don't believe a rogue device from the neighbours has paired as I have three controllers all allegedly switching spuriously together - a rogue switch would have had to pair inadvertently to all three controllers one at a time which is probably unlikely.   It's an interesting point though - bound to happen somewhere sometime and cause chaos! 

    As for radio interference I feel that, if the wireless controllers (receivers) are working correctly, the chance of radio interference switching them on should be theoretical possible but in practice negligible.. but you never know with radio and that's difficult to explain to the customer - it could be considered a cop out!   But maybe the wireless receivers aren't absolutely 100% immune to radio interference.


  • Thanks Jam, not such a silly one - maybe a supply interruption or transient could cause the wireless controllers to turn on.   My gut feel is that this is more likely than radio interference.   I'll do some experiments to see if I can make a controller turn on by interrupting the supply.

  • Thanks Dreckly - it seems that you have seen similar unexplained but possibility not repeatable behaviour.