Medical IT and Protective earth

I'm currently looking at some medical containment systems (bedheads and the like) and am confused by the companies protocol of isolating the earth locally at the socket.
These are Medical IT (BS 7671 S710 + HTMs & BS EN 60601 series.

I do not understand why the socket's fixings are isolated from the panel (which would provide an earth) but the panel and sockets earths are then wired to the same point.
Surely this is removing a doubled up earth minimizing and variance across the earth path?

Or additional information, the non medical sockets and supplemental circuits are earth bonded to the panels with an separate lead going to the single earth point with the medical sockets.

  • Not really my area, but one of the 'traditional' reason for having separate earths (even if connected to the same point somewhere upstream) was to reduce loops in the c.p.c.s that could act as induction loops or aerials to pick up interference. More recent fashions tend to be more to bond everything as often as possible, and mitigate  interference with low impedances (and possibly careful cable routings), but situations differ.

       - Andy. 

  • Not really my area, but one of the 'traditional' reason for having separate earths (even if connected to the same point somewhere upstream) was to reduce loops in the c.p.c.s that could act as induction loops or aerials to pick up interference. More recent fashions tend to be more to bond everything as often as possible, and mitigate  interference with low impedances (and possibly careful cable routings), but situations differ.

       - Andy. 

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