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18th edition question

  hi started to study for my 18th, wots you guys think the answer is, something tells me it’s different to wots on the answer sheet 

  • but why ask here?

    Why not?

  • Agree - its a perfectly sensible place to expect an informed-ish answer from folk who move electrons around for a living, and are one step removed from the
    'don't ask, just memorise the right answer and pass' mentality of some more  exam cramming hassled tutors.
    The only risk is that he gets a more complex answer than can be easily digested.  Equally this is not a 'do your homework' service, so some user input is expected as well - withing those bounds, the right place I'd have thought. It is arguably even a wiring question, rather than some of the more diverse stuff we see shunted to other parts of the forum.

  • but why ask here?

    Why not?

    Andrew has given a perfectly sensible answer - he has not yet got a tutor.

    Andrew, if you hang around in here, you can learn quite a lot.

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