Separate CPC with SWA

I had a comment on a training course yesterday that someone had been told (by an electrician) that it is no longer acceptable to run a separate single core CPC alongside an SWA cable, and that it had to be a core within the cable.

I couldn't see anything in the Big Brown Book that prohibits use of a separate protective conductor. They state that it may be a single core cable, and provided it is run in the same wiring system as the circuit conductors or in close proximity to it then it should be OK.

Does anyone support the theory that use of a separate CPC is no longer allowed, and if so then which regulation might this contravene?  I can see situations where it may be regarded as not adequately mechanically protected if outside the SWA, but I can also see situations where that would not be a problem.



  • So if I is current, and U is potential, does that mean that we should specify a supply as 100 imps at 230 uolts?

  • imps and uaolts - prefeclty tickety-boo, in the land of eletrickery the Professor Unwin way perhaps...

    one wondery tinkaro he might have accomplieshemento a  texto the OSG..

    Might even have been clearer for some.

  • So if I is current, and U is potential, does that mean that we should specify a supply as 100 imps at 230 uolts?

    The symbol used is formulas are independent of the symbol used for the units of measurement (SI and SI-derived units).

    So, for example in our 'constant acceleration' formulas, both u (velocity at time=0) and v (velocity at time=t) have units of ms-1.

    in the land of eletrickery the Professor Unwin way perhaps...


  • So, for example in our 'constant acceleration' formulas, both u (velocity at time=0) and v (velocity at time=t) have units of ms-1.

    Ah yes. As in v = u + at where a is acceleration and not amps; and t is just plain old time (in seconds). If t can stand for anything else, please let us know.

    Any road, it's all on pages 46 and 47.

  • But only the European sparky standards  version.

    The bigger one is here..
    Physics Alphabet 

    you will be pleased to see no doubt, that 't'  for time, as used in that most technical sentence

    " surely it is 't' time ? ' is one of the few we all more or less agree on.

    Let's skirt around the military and their H hour, D-Day stuff for now...

    Chemists of course use many of  the letters we wanted to use for physical quantities for elements, and have to use other ones for the times and concentrations, while biologists tend to do something else entirely - consider the language of  gene sequences perhaps, - which is my earlier  point about cliques.

    You may think we have a standardized language, and to some degree it is, but iff (*) you are in the know. Ideally you need to visualise current flow, not worry if current flux is being described as 'J' or 'D'

    It is often useful to be aware of the other languages as sometimes they are more concise.


    *  iff = if and only if - in the shorthand of the mathematicians...

  • But only the European sparky standards  version.

    The bigger one is here..
    Physics Alphabet 

    you will be pleased to see no doubt, that 't'  for time, as used in that most technical sentence

    " surely it is 't' time ? ' is one of the few we all more or less agree on.

    Let's skirt around the military and their H hour, D-Day stuff for now...

    Chemists of course use many of  the letters we wanted to use for physical quantities for elements, and have to use other ones for the times and concentrations, while biologists tend to do something else entirely - consider the language of  gene sequences perhaps, - which is my earlier  point about cliques.

    You may think we have a standardized language, and to some degree it is, but iff (*) you are in the know. Ideally you need to visualise current flow, not worry if current flux is being described as 'J' or 'D'

    It is often useful to be aware of the other languages as sometimes they are more concise.


    *  iff = if and only if - in the shorthand of the mathematicians...

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