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Adding new circuits in Student accommodation

So we now know that purpose built student accommodation requires AFDD Protection. So if a contractor adds new circuits to an existing installation does that require AFDD protection ? As I am  writing this I am sort of thinking yes of course it does , anybody got any views  ?

  • Yes, I agree. It could, however, be a problem if none are available for an existing final DB.

  • Yes exactly , I have multiple small projects in School boarding house to design and this upgrade is going to be a challenge 

  • Yes exactly , I have multiple small projects in School boarding house to design and this upgrade is going to be a challenge 

  • Aside from the usual "does it or doesn't it comply with BS 7671", as this is not domestic, I don;t think it's down to the electrical contractor alone to make this decision, but would have to involve the Client (and, if there is one, Principal Contractor). - and the associated fire safety risk assessments ... in other words, I think it's a CDM issue.