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HO7RN-F Cable as a Sub-Main

I am looking to install a distribution board on a new submains cable in an underground car park that has existing cable tray installed. This will be fed by the customer's main panel board located at the origin of the installation

Can I install HO7RN-F cable as the submains or does it need to be SWA?

Thanks in advance


  • Use of HO7RN-F cable for a sub main is rather odd, but I see no reason to prohibit it, provided that it be suitably protected against damage, om tray should be fine.

    There USED to be a regulation that prohibited flexible cord for fixed wiring, but no such prohibition is in current regulations.

  • I agree. H07RN-F is likely to be rather expensive compared to similar sized SWA, terminations may need some special consideration (not all terminals are intended to accept fine stranded without extra preparation - e.g. ferrules) and if you're close to the limit you might have to go up a c.s.a. size (appendix 4, 2.4), but there's no fundamental objection to using flex.

           - Andy.

  • The cable is more expensive to procure but easier to install