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Regarding the uses of 18th edition course


I am a recent EEE postgraduate looking to start the 18th edition wiring regulation course, please guide me how will this course impact on my career development, and help me to understand the uses of this course in real time basis.


  • If you don't know, why are you starting the course?

  • Hi Simon,

    Thank you for your reply!

    I know about the course and the subject, but I need to know how much this course can help me to do job. Please help me if you have any experience in this sector.


  • understand the uses of this course in real time basis

    To put it very simplistically: The 18th edition course is far more useful than your degree for day-to-day work on the design, installation and testing of electrical installations. It will train you how to carry out the actual work in accordance with the regulations. It is essential if you are carrying out this work.

    Your degree is far more useful than the course in understanding how to develop the next generation of systems.

  • First, where do you intend to make your career? Second, in which direction do you want it to go please?

  • It’s a very good question Mahesh! As someone who has been a tutor on hundreds of courses since the introduction of the 16th Edition, my short answer to you would be that in itself, the course will likely do little to impact your career. 
    The course could be likened to a guided tour through a large historic building that has a myriad of rooms resplendent with all kinds of interesting and, perhaps, not so interesting artefacts. Your guide will open the door to each room and allow you a peep in. They might give you a a brief description of some of the more important contents of the rooms before quickly shutting the door and moving on to the next room. You will be given a fairly comprehensive index of the contents of each room.
    At the end of your tour you will be asked a series of simple questions about what is in each room and you will have the index on hand to do that. Your understanding of context is relatively unimportant and 60% of questions answered correctly will be sufficient to break open the champagne. 
    You might at best be left with a collage of intertwined images and pockets of information about the building  as well as a certificate confirming your visit.
    Sticking with the analogy, there are some who believe that unless you take this guided tour, you will  not have the appropriate level of competence to comment on any aspect of historic buildings, irrespective of your experience and knowledge in that area.

    Having said that, a good tour guide might instill a thirst for further exploration and that might be the bit that will be impactful. 
    In any event, don’t forget the tip!!

  • Hi sir,

    Thank you for your reply!

    I intended to do this course just thinking about little more income as a part time job. I am a qualified full time Production Engineer at Texcel Technology . I heard that doing this course will helps me doing some additional task within the area of my interest. Before starting it I taught of taking opinion within our community. Thank you for your feedback in this matter.



  • Hi Chris,

    Thank you for your reply!

    I already made my career as I stated above and progressing towards it. Just thinking of taking additional qualification and knowledge within our sector to gain some experience.

