Broken PEN's have increased 8 x since 2003

I've just seen this article in E&T highlighting the increased incidence of reported broken PEN's from 57 in 2003 to 474 in 2021.  It seems they are becoming less of a rare event.


  • Wouldn't 5 core be better, using the armour only for mechanical protection?

    DNO's tend to use cables with copper rather than steel "armour" - so I'd imagined 4 copper (or aluminium) cores for L1/L2/L3/N and copper armour for PE - copper will survive pretty well in most soils (it may well blacken/tarnish on the surface, but the bulk remains in place and conductive). Perhaps not quite as robust as steel wire armour, but given the mechanical excavators that get used these days, steel doesn't really provide much more protection than copper - either way you end up relying on ADS for protection.

       - Andy.

  • Wouldn't 5 core be better, using the armour only for mechanical protection?

    DNO's tend to use cables with copper rather than steel "armour" - so I'd imagined 4 copper (or aluminium) cores for L1/L2/L3/N and copper armour for PE - copper will survive pretty well in most soils (it may well blacken/tarnish on the surface, but the bulk remains in place and conductive). Perhaps not quite as robust as steel wire armour, but given the mechanical excavators that get used these days, steel doesn't really provide much more protection than copper - either way you end up relying on ADS for protection.

       - Andy.

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