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Earth leakage relay protective device

Due to a change in earthing arrangement, I need to add overall earth leakage protection to a 400 A LV distribution board. The board has an incoming switch disconnector, with overcurrent protection provided by fuses upstream. I can't work out if it would be acceptable for the earth leakage relay to shunt-trip the switch disconnector, or whether I need to replace it with an MCCB. Earth leakage would not implicitly mean that the protective device was interrupting fault current, requiring the CB, but depending on the fault then it could be... Any advice appreciated, ta!

  • AWA & TT? What's the armour connected to?

       - Andy.

  • It's connected to the earth provided by the local earth electrode.

  • eek. A fault there makes the building alive and never trips.

  • eek. A fault there makes the building alive and never trips.

  • Because the AWA is upstream of the proposed earth leakage protection, but the loop impedance is too high to operate the fuses, you mean?

  • quite so - how good is your electrode at popping a 400A fuse or whatever - I'd be very surprised if it is that low a resistance - the electrode at the substation won't be much less than an ohm to Terra Firma, even if your electrode is. ;-)  If the round trip loop really is that low you do not need the earth fault trip ;-)

    Put the EFR current transformer over the equivalent of the incoming tails if you can - I appreciate it may not be that sort of set-up.
