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Codes for types of wiring on Installation certificates

Hi, just need confirmation that LSZH twin and earth cable can be termed thermoplastic and sheathed cable therefore code A . Alternatively would it be classed as O (other) ?

  • Interesting question. BS 7211 cables are thermoplastic sheathed but thermosetting insulated. So from an wording point of view it depends on whether you interpret the "/" in "Thermoplastic insulated/sheathed cables" being the equivalent of an "and" or an "or".

    From a practical point of view, (from the point of view of acceptable conductor temperature at terminals) you'll likely be using the cables at their "70 degree" ratings rather than 90 degree, so form the point of view of cable ratings, conductor resistance and so on (other than fire performance) they're being treated identically to PVC/PVC T&E cables so type "A" would tell the right story as it were. But if you're in any doubt, then O, stating BS 7211, should certainly be acceptable.

       - Andy.