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Qualifications to repair / maintain EV Chargers? (Not Install)


I am seeking some UK electrical legislative information; having just been hired at an EV Charger Company.

I've contacted the NICEIC and IET, but still no response yet, so I am hoping this lovely community may be able to help!

Does anyone know of any UK legislative requirements that would impose mandatory qualifications on an engineer who would be repairing an existing EV charger on commercial properties?

Would such a role require a Qualified Electrician, or can any engineer that is satisfying the Electricity at Work Regulations perform this role?

For reference, I hold a Bachelors degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

Appreciate any help or advice!

Many thanks,


  • Thanks for sharing your insight and I agree with you both. There is significant in-house product training & Standard Operating Procedures that the installers follow, which I will also use for reference; just not for completing installations myself.

    I actually received feedback from NICEIC this morning, when I sent this same query to them. I will share their reply for anyone interested.

    (TL;DR As a generic comment, there are no specific legislative requirements for qualifications)

    "Hello Chris,

    Thank you for your enquiry,

     The Certsure Technical Helpline provides general information and guidance for compliance with the British Standard BS 7671, The Requirements for Electrical Installations, and matters concerning electrical safety within electrical installations designed, constructed, inspected and tested to BS 7671. Without detailed knowledge of the installation, we cannot offer advice specific to the installation and can only provide generic comments based on the information you have provided.

     There are no specific requirements regarding qualifications needed for the work that you have described within your enquiry. As stated, Regulation 16 of the Electricity At Work Regulations 1989 would be the overriding factor, with the person undertaking the work needing to possess sufficient technical knowledge and/or experience to prevent danger or injury from occurring.


    NICEIC Technical Service"

  • Thanks for sharing your insight and I agree with you both. There is significant in-house product training & Standard Operating Procedures that the installers follow, which I will also use for reference; just not for completing installations myself.

    I actually received feedback from NICEIC this morning, when I sent this same query to them. I will share their reply for anyone interested.

    (TL;DR As a generic comment, there are no specific legislative requirements for qualifications)

    "Hello Chris,

    Thank you for your enquiry,

     The Certsure Technical Helpline provides general information and guidance for compliance with the British Standard BS 7671, The Requirements for Electrical Installations, and matters concerning electrical safety within electrical installations designed, constructed, inspected and tested to BS 7671. Without detailed knowledge of the installation, we cannot offer advice specific to the installation and can only provide generic comments based on the information you have provided.

     There are no specific requirements regarding qualifications needed for the work that you have described within your enquiry. As stated, Regulation 16 of the Electricity At Work Regulations 1989 would be the overriding factor, with the person undertaking the work needing to possess sufficient technical knowledge and/or experience to prevent danger or injury from occurring.


    NICEIC Technical Service"

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