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Qualifications to repair / maintain EV Chargers? (Not Install)


I am seeking some UK electrical legislative information; having just been hired at an EV Charger Company.

I've contacted the NICEIC and IET, but still no response yet, so I am hoping this lovely community may be able to help!

Does anyone know of any UK legislative requirements that would impose mandatory qualifications on an engineer who would be repairing an existing EV charger on commercial properties?

Would such a role require a Qualified Electrician, or can any engineer that is satisfying the Electricity at Work Regulations perform this role?

For reference, I hold a Bachelors degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

Appreciate any help or advice!

Many thanks,


  • Hi Chris,

    Certsure are quite correct in their response, the statutory legislation is Reg of the EAWR 1989 and being able to prove competance in the task/work to be undertaken. Now this all comes down to knowledge and experience and being able to prove that you have that if challenged. If you are being employed by a company they have a duty to ensure they only employ suitably trained and competant persons, so they either provide the traing etc or send you on courses.

    Now if the work involves the installation itself and cables, protective devices and earhing provision of the EVSE then use and application and knowledge of the BS7671 regs plus the C.O.P 4th soon to be 5th Edition on EVSE will be essential and as Chris has pointed out being able to safely isolate all forms of energy and prove dead will be critical, there is also a C&G course on EVSE installations.

    If the work is purely on the EVSE itself i.e the charging units and power cabinets, you would still need to be able to isolate correctly and have a knowledge of the installation, but without doubt these charging units other than domestic are quite complex beasts and manufacturers training, data and info will be critical to maintain them to keep warranty in place. I know a few manufacturers of high power chargers, anybody working to install or maintain them its at least a three day manufacturers course at the factory in europe.

    I think it would be a challenge for an individual or any company just to do maintenance for a client on their EVSE without involvement and product training by the manufacturer.

    Cheers GTB 

  • Hi Chris,

    Certsure are quite correct in their response, the statutory legislation is Reg of the EAWR 1989 and being able to prove competance in the task/work to be undertaken. Now this all comes down to knowledge and experience and being able to prove that you have that if challenged. If you are being employed by a company they have a duty to ensure they only employ suitably trained and competant persons, so they either provide the traing etc or send you on courses.

    Now if the work involves the installation itself and cables, protective devices and earhing provision of the EVSE then use and application and knowledge of the BS7671 regs plus the C.O.P 4th soon to be 5th Edition on EVSE will be essential and as Chris has pointed out being able to safely isolate all forms of energy and prove dead will be critical, there is also a C&G course on EVSE installations.

    If the work is purely on the EVSE itself i.e the charging units and power cabinets, you would still need to be able to isolate correctly and have a knowledge of the installation, but without doubt these charging units other than domestic are quite complex beasts and manufacturers training, data and info will be critical to maintain them to keep warranty in place. I know a few manufacturers of high power chargers, anybody working to install or maintain them its at least a three day manufacturers course at the factory in europe.

    I think it would be a challenge for an individual or any company just to do maintenance for a client on their EVSE without involvement and product training by the manufacturer.

    Cheers GTB 

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