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3 phase temp supply ?

Hi guys, iv been doing loads of basic new build single phase.

The next one is going to be 3 phase and a bigger house. I will treat as normal apart from adding a 3 phase board and balancing on the phases.

The owner has asked me to set up a temp supply. Can I do this but setting up say a garage board and couple of sockets, but using just one phase and not connecting the other two in, obviously neutral and earth will be connected. Thank you for any help

  • No problem just utilizing one of the three phases for the temp supply (provided of course the builders don't have any equipment that needs 3-phase).

    For a builder's supply, you might want to consider not using the supplier's earth but going TT instead - just because you'll almost certainly not be able to bond things properly on a building site which can increase some of the dangers with PME.

       - Andy.

  • No problem just utilizing one of the three phases for the temp supply (provided of course the builders don't have any equipment that needs 3-phase).

    For a builder's supply, you might want to consider not using the supplier's earth but going TT instead - just because you'll almost certainly not be able to bond things properly on a building site which can increase some of the dangers with PME.

       - Andy.

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