Hi I have been off line for a while but am back on the case now.

We were on inrush current-   Many thanks for that info.

I just looked at my business insurance document. It clearly states the above.(Not The parrot bit.)

So what what is the legal situation with my insurers if the IEE is defunct.

But they ask for a current--- ha ha-- IEE certificate. 

Can IET members take over the IEE responsibility -or is this someones court case -waiting to happen.

There is also the question of     -competent person on site-    who would have been  a well respected IEE engineer -back in the day.

Over shadowing all other qualifications - as the REGs were written by the IEE. Engineers.

So how have the IET amalgamated all this in?.


  • But they ask for a current--- ha ha-- IEE certificate. 

    One interpretation might be that as periodic inspections yield reports not certificates, what they're asking for is the original installation/alteration certificates - which would remain "current" as long as the corresponding parts if the installation continues to exist unaltered. (and thus IEE ones might still be valid if the installation is of that vintage).

       - Andy.

  • But they ask for a current--- ha ha-- IEE certificate. 

    One interpretation might be that as periodic inspections yield reports not certificates, what they're asking for is the original installation/alteration certificates - which would remain "current" as long as the corresponding parts if the installation continues to exist unaltered. (and thus IEE ones might still be valid if the installation is of that vintage).

       - Andy.

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