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Nice neat DNO install

This is a relatively new DNO TPN supply to a church following upgrade of their overhead supply. The room is at first floor level and those “tails” are connected directly to the overhead line just outside the window. TT system and just to add insult to injury, they would not energise until the Ra was below 200 ohms. 

  • My guess was that the original supply was 2-wire, DP fused (via those cotton covered tails that emerge out of the wall just below the window cill) - there was space for a new N block next the the existing pair of fuseholders, but the 3rd fuseholder had to go elsewhere. The red (rather than brown/grey/black) tape on one of the new tails and the amount of dust on top of everything including the new cut-out fuse makes me think it might have been that way for quite a while before the photo was taken.

       - Andy.

  • Or split-phase?

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