can you certify an installation which has two core red and black singles wiring in conduits approx 50 years old with no cpcs

the clients expect me to certifcate an installation with red and black singles cables in conduit thats approx 50 -60  years old with no cpcs 

my take is i cannot touch this with a barge pole 

dave O'Malley 

  • What's the conduit made from?  If it's steel, and it's not rusting away, then that is probably the CPC.

  • Yes, the first question is whether it is metal or plastic conduit. Clearly there needs to be a CPC. If you work out the CSA of galvanized conduit, it will be more than enough.

    FWIW, I have red and black singles in galvanized conduit at home - installed about 40 years ago. It is in good condition and certainly fit for many more years' service.

    P.S. I am sure that you will be thrilled to know that there no longer has to be a 2-colour notice - was 514.14.

  • Yes, the first question is whether it is metal or plastic conduit. Clearly there needs to be a CPC. If you work out the CSA of galvanized conduit, it will be more than enough.

    FWIW, I have red and black singles in galvanized conduit at home - installed about 40 years ago. It is in good condition and certainly fit for many more years' service.

    P.S. I am sure that you will be thrilled to know that there no longer has to be a 2-colour notice - was 514.14.

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