Why 70V rms and not 50V rms - O-PEN faults

Hi, always follow this forum as such a great source, so my first time with a question, hoping someone can advise.

Why `voltage between the cpc and earth exceeding 70V rms` for Reg. 722411.4.1 (iii) and not 50V as in Reg. 411 touch voltage threshold. Is 70V deemed acceptable ?

  • Thank you all, this query has generated quite a debate, and one that, apart from the science has many varied answers, for many various scenarios and eventualities, I guess every installation is different and would need careful consideration on each individual design. It is true now that a lot of EV car charger manufacturers have adopted a few extra integrated safety devices, including internal earth leakage able to detect a low as 6mA DC, and in-built PEN protection. I have been asked more often of late, the questions regarding touch voltage values and why the differences, this is what has led me to initiate this discussion. Real PEN fault conditions & values are difficult to gage normally (they can be calculated, but that's not the same) and are not easily understood by many contractors, but as long as the required measures are taken into account, to help reduce magnitudes & duration of touch voltages to a minimum, as I've always conveyed to customers, safety is paramount.

  • Thank you all, this query has generated quite a debate, and one that, apart from the science has many varied answers, for many various scenarios and eventualities, I guess every installation is different and would need careful consideration on each individual design. It is true now that a lot of EV car charger manufacturers have adopted a few extra integrated safety devices, including internal earth leakage able to detect a low as 6mA DC, and in-built PEN protection. I have been asked more often of late, the questions regarding touch voltage values and why the differences, this is what has led me to initiate this discussion. Real PEN fault conditions & values are difficult to gage normally (they can be calculated, but that's not the same) and are not easily understood by many contractors, but as long as the required measures are taken into account, to help reduce magnitudes & duration of touch voltages to a minimum, as I've always conveyed to customers, safety is paramount.

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