Why 70V rms and not 50V rms - O-PEN faults

Hi, always follow this forum as such a great source, so my first time with a question, hoping someone can advise.

Why `voltage between the cpc and earth exceeding 70V rms` for Reg. 722411.4.1 (iii) and not 50V as in Reg. 411 touch voltage threshold. Is 70V deemed acceptable ?

  • Once again, thank you all for the very valid input, I`m certainly more enlightened about this subject now, it was not something a really considered too much, but of late we (my colleagues and I) have been dealing with a few EV car charging interested clients, so its great to have the extra knowledge.

    Kindest regards


  • Once again, thank you all for the very valid input, I`m certainly more enlightened about this subject now, it was not something a really considered too much, but of late we (my colleagues and I) have been dealing with a few EV car charging interested clients, so its great to have the extra knowledge.

    Kindest regards


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