New Consumer Unit Necessary?

We are having our conservatory replaced with a more substantial "garden room". The electricity in the conservatory was a spur off a current ring main, and the new room will be the same. The electrician says we must have the current consumer unit (which is plastic and has no RCDs being ~30 years old) replaced in order for the work to be certified. We had the system checked a few years ago and although advised a new consumer unit would be better, told it was not a legal requirement.

So do regulation require a new consumer unit with RCDs for this ring spur to be re-added, or is he being over cautious?

  • Any new CU probably want to contain SPDs as well as RCD additional protection.

    I disagree that the existing CU must be replaced - only the new work will be certified - so adding RCD protection at the point where the new work starts would be an option (or indeed anywhere upstream of that point). Likewise SPDs could be added in (perhaps in an extra enclosure, probably near the origin would be best). More than likely replacing the existing CU would be the neatest and safest solution, but not the only one.

       - Andy.

  • Any new CU probably want to contain SPDs as well as RCD additional protection.

    I disagree that the existing CU must be replaced - only the new work will be certified - so adding RCD protection at the point where the new work starts would be an option (or indeed anywhere upstream of that point). Likewise SPDs could be added in (perhaps in an extra enclosure, probably near the origin would be best). More than likely replacing the existing CU would be the neatest and safest solution, but not the only one.

       - Andy.

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