Ipf : 3ph simultaneous fault

Hello, can anyone explain what's going on here with 3 phase fault currents...

From BS7671 Appendix 14 it states, in a 3ph system, the highest prospective fault current occurs with a simultaneous fault across all 3 phases and that an 'approximation' of this is determined by measurement between live and neutral multiplied by 2... i am presuming the measurement between live and neutral being what we'd normally measure with an earth loop impedance meter eg Zs.  I do appreciate this factor of 2 is a simplification and over approximation because fault currents (particular 3phase systems) are really quite a complicated beast!

but my query relates from the IET 5th edition Electrical installation design guide [page 81]. The design guide appears to agree that "A fault across the three phases is considered the worst case etc.." but then goes on to give the formula [Ipf] approximately equalling Cmax Uo / Zx + ZD

No mention of the multiplication of 2 or am i getting my wires crossed.

Note 1 from design guide [page 84] gives an example whereby a circuits total line impedence Zpf = sqrt(r^2 + x^2) = 0.0204 ohms ... in simple terms is this the same as Zs?

the design guide goes on to give 

Ipf = 1.1 * 230/0.0204 =12.4kA 

but from BS7671 appendix 14's version of events, wouldn't Ipf approximate as

Ipf = (1.1 * 230/0.0204) *2 = 28.8kA ? 


  • Note 1 from design guide [page 84] gives an example whereby a circuits total line impedence Zpf = sqrt(r^2 + x^2) = 0.0204 ohms ... in simple terms is this the same as Zs?

    Sort of. Calculating Z from R and X is a general thing for a.c. circuits (overall impedance (Z)  has contributions from both the simple resistance (R) and the reactance (X) of the conductors). In general Z could represent any sort of loop - L-L, L-N, L-PE or indeed L-L-L, or just some small part of it. Resistance is nice and simple - what you'd measure with a d.c. Ohmmeter for example, but reactance takes into account all the funny effects you get due to capacitance and/or inductance when the current is a.c.. As a result Impedance is an odd two-dimensional value - you can't just add two Z values together as if they were simple linear values - it's vector addition - you need to split Z into it component parts, add the individual parts separately, then combine them back into an overall Z value. SQRT(R²+X²) doing the combining them back together bit - it's literally just Pythagoras  - R and X form two sides of a triangle and using sum of squares of the other two sides is used to calculate the hypotenuse (Z). The other way of calculating things with triangles is using trig functions - sin, cos, tan etc - conventionally we use cos - otherwise know as the power factor.

    Zs (with the s subscript) is specifically the impedance of the earth fault loop (L-PE) - as it's to Earth (the worst case when ADS is considered) it's similar to a single phase L-N fault and unlike a bolted L-L-L fault so no 2x  to worry about. If you did get a L-L-L-PE fault then in theory it all balances from the L-L-L part and no current flows along the PE - so really it reduces back to a simple L-L-L fault.

       - Andy.

  • Thanks both!

    and Ive just realised why the design guide doesn’t multiply its 3ph fault  by 2 (unlike appendix 14) because it’s formula: Cmax Uo / Zx + ZD is only giving 1 line ZD (not the return path Zn or Zpen etc (as you have pointed out) hence the impedance in the calculation is half that what an EFLI meter would be reading. 

    brilliant thanks 

  • Thanks both!

    and Ive just realised why the design guide doesn’t multiply its 3ph fault  by 2 (unlike appendix 14) because it’s formula: Cmax Uo / Zx + ZD is only giving 1 line ZD (not the return path Zn or Zpen etc (as you have pointed out) hence the impedance in the calculation is half that what an EFLI meter would be reading. 

    brilliant thanks 

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