EICR TT installation coded C2 by electrician


Anybody got any thoughts on this situation?

I have had an EICR done on a property. There were no issues reported apart from earthing. 

The electrician measured the rod resistance at 534 ohms. He insists it has to be less than 200, but his preference is less than a 100.
He said the 30ma RCD wouldn't trip at the measured value, so didn't bother to test it. Bizarrely, he said he pressed the test button which, of course, tripped, but he coded it C2 "unsatisfactory".

I had already tested it with my meter. I got 400ohms, a worst case trip time of 9ms, best 6ms and 28ma on the ramp test.

I pointed out the 200ohms is a recommendation not a requirement and asked him to justify his C2, he refused and stated he stands by his findings.

I haven't checked yet if there is an obvious reason for the rod to be high, but it seems to me the requirements of the regulations have been met.

  • Opinions don't matter, only the regs and the facts: it doesn't matter what some say. The resistance is well below maximum and the disconnect times are compliant. I would say (intended) no justification for C2. C3 or obs. The best practice guide states C2 if the RCD does not trip, it does.

    You can't read BS 7671 alone for these things - for things like Earthing it defers out to other standards - e..g. BS 7430 (e.g. see note to reg 542.2). The test button on the RCD normally doesn't prove the Earthing system as they are typically connected to supply N rather than PE (to prevent unwanted tripping of upstream RCDs during the test). In any event there's more to safety in a TT system than just the RCD tripping - as above, the Ra limits are set by consideration of touch voltages rather than tripping times. Also EICRs aren't meant to be simply a snapshot of that state of the installation at a single instance of time - they're meant to be a judgement of whether the installation is suitable for continued service (i.e.until the next inspection) - if there's a reasonable suspicion that a gradual degradation might be occurring then the inspection could either say it isn't satisfactory, or put a time limit on things such that it's likely to remain safe for that time (e.g. next inspection in 1 month or 6 months, rather than 10 years) - which you'd likely find just as objectionable. For the electrician's point of view if it did go horribly wrong  before the next inspection and there was clear evidence that things weren't right at the time of his inspection, he could well end up in court having to account for his judgement.

       - Andy.

  • Opinions don't matter, only the regs and the facts: it doesn't matter what some say. The resistance is well below maximum and the disconnect times are compliant. I would say (intended) no justification for C2. C3 or obs. The best practice guide states C2 if the RCD does not trip, it does.

    You can't read BS 7671 alone for these things - for things like Earthing it defers out to other standards - e..g. BS 7430 (e.g. see note to reg 542.2). The test button on the RCD normally doesn't prove the Earthing system as they are typically connected to supply N rather than PE (to prevent unwanted tripping of upstream RCDs during the test). In any event there's more to safety in a TT system than just the RCD tripping - as above, the Ra limits are set by consideration of touch voltages rather than tripping times. Also EICRs aren't meant to be simply a snapshot of that state of the installation at a single instance of time - they're meant to be a judgement of whether the installation is suitable for continued service (i.e.until the next inspection) - if there's a reasonable suspicion that a gradual degradation might be occurring then the inspection could either say it isn't satisfactory, or put a time limit on things such that it's likely to remain safe for that time (e.g. next inspection in 1 month or 6 months, rather than 10 years) - which you'd likely find just as objectionable. For the electrician's point of view if it did go horribly wrong  before the next inspection and there was clear evidence that things weren't right at the time of his inspection, he could well end up in court having to account for his judgement.

       - Andy.

  • I think you missed my point. The electrician said he didn't do the RCD trip tests as he said it couldn't trip with that resistance. It trips on the button and it trips on my meter on all tests. There has never been any nuisance tripping at the house.

    No justification was given for the C2. When asked he would not discuss it. He just stated it has to be below 200 ohms.