DNO requirement for protective bonding

It is very common in NI for NIE to refuse connection to a domestic installation unless main protective bonding is in place to the water service pipe, even when it is the blue plastic type. Sparkies have to fit a copper insert in the plastic pipe to install the bonding clamp. 
I cannot imagine why they insist on this, but insist they do! I was wondering if anyone has similar experience in other regions.

  • What BS7671 says isn't really relevant here.

    Doesn't NI have something similar to the ESQCR - which in effect says BS 7671 can be used as the yardstick for whether an installation may be connected or not, and go to the Secretary of State or even connect it yourself if the DNO are being unreasonable (Reg 25)?

       - Andy.

  • What BS7671 says isn't really relevant here.

    Doesn't NI have something similar to the ESQCR - which in effect says BS 7671 can be used as the yardstick for whether an installation may be connected or not, and go to the Secretary of State or even connect it yourself if the DNO are being unreasonable (Reg 25)?

       - Andy.

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