DNO requirement for protective bonding

It is very common in NI for NIE to refuse connection to a domestic installation unless main protective bonding is in place to the water service pipe, even when it is the blue plastic type. Sparkies have to fit a copper insert in the plastic pipe to install the bonding clamp. 
I cannot imagine why they insist on this, but insist they do! I was wondering if anyone has similar experience in other regions.

  • So in Northern Ireland if you want to connect your house to the power grid, NIE (the power company) requires main protective bonding on water service pipe for main protective bonding; even if that pipe is made out of fancy blue plastic they still want a copper insert so they can clamp it down! Why does NIE make this such a big deal - is this only in Northern Ireland or is this something similar happening everywhere else too?

  • So in Northern Ireland if you want to connect your house to the power grid, NIE (the power company) requires main protective bonding on water service pipe for main protective bonding; even if that pipe is made out of fancy blue plastic they still want a copper insert so they can clamp it down! Why does NIE make this such a big deal - is this only in Northern Ireland or is this something similar happening everywhere else too?

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