Cable Calculations 2396

I'm sitting my 2396 exam in June and I'm looking for some more cable calculation questions as I've exhausted the ones provided by Trade Skills. 

I know mock exams and the like are pretty much non-existent but was hoping someone could point be in the right direction of some more practice questions?


  • In relation to cable voltage drop;

    (a) explain how allowance is made for conductor operating temperature when the cables are carrying less than their maximum full load current where;

    (i) the conductors of the circuit are less than 16mm²

    (ii) the conductors of the circuit are more than 16mm²

    (5 marks)


    (b) explain how allowance is made for load power factor where;

    (i) the conductors of the circuit are less than 16mm²

    (ii) the conductors of the circuit are more than 16mm²

    (5 marks)


    A 400v three-phase load has a design current of 57A with a power factor of 0.75.

    The load is supplied via a 16mm² three-phase multicore 70°C thermoplastic insulated and thermoplastic sheathed, non-armoured cable which is clipped direct (method C). No circuit rating factors apply.

    What is the maximum length of the circuit considering the operating temperature and the load power factor in the assessment to ensure that the voltage drop does not exceed 2.5%?

    (10 marks)

  • I think that I shall pass on Level 4, though it could be interesting. Could one do 2396 without a portfolio of practical experience?

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