What is the maximum number of FCUs in its own radial circuit?

Lets say there are bunch of sensors which have low load like 0.5A, how many FCU would you put in one circuit?

Or would you design it in a way that if a circuit happens to fail the other are still functioning. if there are like 10 in total, 2 radial circuits containing 5 sensors each. So each rad circuit has 5 fcus daisy chained. 

Would this be okay in regs,


  • The problem of having 60 odd  half amp loads on the 32A circuit is probably inrush, and they are SMPS based, total earth leakage. regs wise no limit, but more info needed to avoid designimng in a problem - would you want FCU at all ?


  • The problem of having 60 odd  half amp loads on the 32A circuit is probably inrush, and they are SMPS based, total earth leakage. regs wise no limit, but more info needed to avoid designimng in a problem - would you want FCU at all ?


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