Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation - Draft for Public Comment

Hi all,

I'm trying to get hold of the draft for public comment version of the IET Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation (5th Edition).

Unfortunately, I missed the download window. If anyone has the DPC version of the 5th edition I'd be interested in getting a copy.


  • Unfortunately, one of the conditions of accessing the DPC was to accept the restriction that no further copying was permitted (even passing on the URL of the actual document was explicitly prohibited - I think they wanted anyone who obtained a copy to register their details first). It's the IET's copyright, so their rules I'm afraid. Given the number of fake versions of IET publications that have turning up from far eastern back street print shops, I probably have some sympathy for their stance, even if it does get in the way of genuine personal academic interest (which I'm sure yours is).

    If it's of any consolation, I suspect (indeed very much hope) there will be some significant changes between the DPC and the final published version.

    I guess you could try asking the publication committee nicely for an exception (some frequent here occasionally) - but I wouldn't hold out much hope.


            - Andy.

  •  , the publication committee will be under terms of confidentiality, similarly the Author.

    Agree there's not much point 'working to' the DPC ... that would always be recommended against when there's still a live published version.

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