installing a separate neutral conductor


i have a customer who currently has a 250Amp section board with no neutral conductor. (a 3 core cable installed for 3 phase and a separate earth) some new equipment is being installed that requires a neutral. I've been asked to get a neutral into the box. 

is there any reason why i cant just add a separate neutral conductor. id argue its not best practice, but is it against regulation. ive had a good look and cant see anything that says no.

your thoughts and input are appreciated

  • thanks for your input guys. 

    i cant see how it would be different from installing 4 singles i.e. separate cable for each phase and neutral. only that in this case the 3 phase are enclosed in a single SWA.

    I've had a look at the circuits now. seems like the existing cable feeds a section board (3 phase only) no loads currently on the board. they want to feed from the section board 2 125amp 3PH N supplies to 2 local distribution boards. these boards have mainly lighting and sockets plus 2 40amp ELV chargers.

    im not against replacing the cable, but only want to if nessesary

  • 100% will need to be a new cable. thanks for pointing me in the right direction

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