Diverted neutral current / broken PEN?

Hello all,

Diverted Neutral Currents (DNC) seem to be a big area for debate especially with the push for EV's and the implications that they can cause.

Are there any official figures regarding contacting the DNO regarding these DNC's or recording of it other than on testing documentation (EIC/EICR etc.) ?

This still seems to be an area that needs more information, as variations including the location of the fault, the time of day, year etc. when the test was completed.

If testing a standard PME 100A single phase domestic supply and getting around 8mA on the earthing conductor during the installation being switched on and then reduces 0.01mA when the installation is isolated will probably be more to do with the instrument and 0.01mA = 0.00001A and would indicate that there is no issue. If this stayed at 8mA (0.008A) this is potentially an issue with a broken/deteriorating PEN conductor, however this could change due to variations across neighbouring installations.

When completing this test prior to any other work on the installation and getting readings when not expecting them this is going to impact on any electrical work being carried out, what is deemed as notifiable to the DNO? 

I have heard of anything 5A and above being reportable to the DNO which seems reasonable, however what if you were to get a reading of 4.5A, due to those variations this could be higher taking it beyond the 5A at other points in the day etc.

Would it be more appropriate to have anything above 1A reportable to the DNO so they can make their checks and note this on the job/ testing documentation, and where does it become a safety issue regarding work in/on the installation with a broken/deteriorating PEN conductor, as a job could be completed and several weeks later an incident could occur due to further loading and changes to an installation?

There is lots of information, about how and why etc, but no physical figures, I am aware that Smart metering maybe able to measure volts/current/power etc however this still seems a little vague.

  • (The plastic water pipe is also bonded!)

    That will  be nanoamps then. Probably more current flowing through any layer of fingerprints, condensation or building detritus on the outside of the polypipe.

    The other two at least have the decency to add up OK, which suggests first that it is mostly your own current rather than the neighbours, so that is nice, and secondly that the two impedances are largely resistive, or at least if they are not then the ratio of L to R is very similar in both paths.

    3 out of 4 electrons prefer the official neutral path if you like to see the world that way.


  • Maybe there needs to be a new version of the SMART meter designed (single and 3 phase) so that it can detect PEN faults.  This in time could be rolled out in due course when the DNS/DSO/MO swap out the electrical meter.  In the here and now maybe the initial thing to do is educate people in the industry on how to test for it (DNC/Broken PEN).  Possibly it could be encluded as a feild in the EICR/EIC.  just 2 boxs for the Ampage either side of the MET.  Once electrcians are asked for the infromation they will start to think, well why is it needed. 

  • So my question is why can't they be adapted to report PEN faults as well.

    They sort of do already - a PEN fault will typically result in a change (usually a fall) of L-N voltage (as it's also L-PEN and the open PEN is pulled up by connected loads) - (the same principle as many of the open-PEN detectors used on EVSE).- so the meter may (under certain conditions) see a broken PEN as a supply fail and report it.

       - Andy.

  • just 2 boxs for the Ampage either side of the MET

    What if there are no extraneous-conductive-parts - under those conditions? Such a measurement won't help, but that doesn't stop a potential existing between exposed-conductive-parts and Earth, i.e. Class 1 equipment outdoors, in an open-PEN event.

    Where is the current path back to Earth? Your neighbour's installation perhaps !

  • So this afternoon, in rough terms, 12 A in the line, 9.0 A in the neutral, and 3.0 A in the earthing conductor. 0.05 A in the gas bonding. (The plastic water pipe is also bonded!)

    Possible that's just "normal" operation if the gas is also bonded to other installations. But on the other hand ...

    ... So, was Ze OK with DNO earthing conductor disconnected from MET? ... Again, no exact science with PME, but a poor Ze with those conditions could indicate a PEN fault!

  • What if there are no extraneous-conductive-parts

    Very good point

    Where is the current path back to Earth? Your neighbour's installation perhaps !


    With more people discussing it (DNC / Pen fault), then more people will become aware of it as a possible issue.  We are all engineers at differing levels and with different diceplins.  An open debate helps to bring ideas to the table to help design and implement a solution for the greater good. 

  • On reading alot of comments, I'm still not aware of data being collated on the subject. Only when a serious incident happens does it come to light. On the HSE Web site there isn't a such  a clear path to follow. 

    Until today, sorry for my ignorance I didn't know the ESQCR  came under the HSE. Under the regulations the DNOs are required to inform the secretary of state of any injuries,including electrocution. However if I don't see where myself as an electricain or a gas fitter( which had the greater risk) to report just the findings of a broken PEN. 

    There for a have emailed the ESQCR Adim  at the HSE for a response . If I here form them I will pass on


  • The open circuit voltage revealed  during any such a test may be of interest/ concern as well.


  • Graham, thank you. I was thinking that perhaps I should test the Ze because I cannot quite figure out where the current is going, or even in which direction. If there were any significant current in the gas bonding, all would be explained, but that is not the case. Another possibility is that the current is going via various supplementary bonding conductors to the CH boilers and pipes and getting into the gas main that way.

    So I shall give myself an "FI" and let you know the reading when I get home later.

  • This seems to be an ongoing thing,

     this was discussed in the house of commons, I think you may find this on youtube, 

    There is also John Ward who has done 2 parts so far of DNC's on YouTube he has created a demonstration rig to highlight issues (very good videos)

    eFIXX have also produced a YouTube video in the last few days talking about this issue again

    Parallel's are an issue, just naturally found within the grid additionally due to the economy and cost of living there is a highly likelihood of people doing all sorts of things in order to obtain free energy, such as a by-passed neutrals.

    DNO's do not really seem to be that bothered unless a DNC is above 30A which seems excessive although does make some sense regarding parallel paths, the other issue being that when a bonding conductor is removed there is an increased risk of exposed and extraneous part becoming live, and the conductor is now disconnected with voltage present and then arcing and sparking when reconnected