Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation, 5th Edition

Hi, is there any specific date set as to when the Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation, 5th Edition will be available. 

  • Hi, is there any specific date set as to when the Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation, 5th Edition will be available. 

    Apparently, they are available now.

    I may get to the Coventry Elex Show for a couple of hours on Thursday morning, am I right thinking the IET will be selling the new EVSE COP

    Having checked, the intention is that there will be copies available to purchase at the Show.

  • Hi, is there any specific date set as to when the Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation, 5th Edition will be available. 

    Apparently, they are available now.

    I may get to the Coventry Elex Show for a couple of hours on Thursday morning, am I right thinking the IET will be selling the new EVSE COP

    Having checked, the intention is that there will be copies available to purchase at the Show.

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