Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation, 5th Edition

Hi, is there any specific date set as to when the Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation, 5th Edition will be available. 

  • Has anyone got a copy of the book or the electronic version?

    Does EVSE Code of Practicel still recommend the use of a Pen fault detector?  I do think the concept is good but

    without BSEN or a letter of conformity or product standard and without a defined way to test it, it seems rather counter intuitive.  It seems that a BS EN for Pen fault detectors needs to be expedited as in effect it is a dependancy of the PEN fault detector. 

    Once this is in place (BS EN) the PEN fault detector can be

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  • Has anyone got a copy of the book or the electronic version?

    Does EVSE Code of Practicel still recommend the use of a Pen fault detector?  I do think the concept is good but

    without BSEN or a letter of conformity or product standard and without a defined way to test it, it seems rather counter intuitive.  It seems that a BS EN for Pen fault detectors needs to be expedited as in effect it is a dependancy of the PEN fault detector. 

    Once this is in place (BS EN) the PEN fault detector can be

    Designed, Selected and Errected




    Signed off

  • Has anyone got a copy of the book or the electronic version?

    Does EVSE Code of Practicel still recommend the use of a Pen fault detector?

    Yes, and yes.

    without BSEN or a letter of conformity

    Shouldn't all products subject to the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations had a DofC regardless of whether there is a harmonized/designated standard?

    The standards route is not the only way for a manufacturer to comply with the legislation, and this is the case specifically to permit new technology, or "one-off" products or assemblies for a particular project.

    Notes to Regulation 722.411.4.1 tells you the minimum BS 7671 requires for the installation paperwork if the devices are used in an installation.