Shoddy workmanship.

I'd be interested to have comments on this morning's installation please. Just the meter was installed today. Before and after photographs are shown.

The premises are a new garage and workshop complex. Three phases are available in the garage and one of the phases is taken across to the existing installation in the main house via the switch-fuse.

  • What's the problem?  The meter fitter has fitted the meter and provided a 3-phase isolator.  Then they re-connected the existing single phase installation to it.

    There's a couple of random bits of brown wire going goodness only knows where.  I don't suppose the meter installer would want to connect them up in case something went "bang" and they got blamed.

    The customer can now call out their eletrician to remove the redundant single phase isolator and reconfigure everything as three phase.

  • What's the problem?  The meter fitter has fitted the meter and provided a 3-phase isolator.  Then they re-connected the existing single phase installation to it.

    There's a couple of random bits of brown wire going goodness only knows where.  I don't suppose the meter installer would want to connect them up in case something went "bang" and they got blamed.

    The customer can now call out their eletrician to remove the redundant single phase isolator and reconfigure everything as three phase.
