Voltage drop on a shower causing a light to come on

Hi everyone I was hoping someone might be able to help I came across a video on YouTube where when the shower was turned on it caused the bathroom light to glow while the switch was turned off. The person later explained it to be a voltage drop on the shower but to my understanding something like that wouldn't have that kind of effect ant guidance would be great thank you. 

  • What do you mean by, "glow" please? Is that the same as, "shine" (brightly)?

    I have measured 50 v from L-N in a lighting circuit which was turned off, but only 1 mA was flowing. That may be enough to cause a CFL to flash. The one above my bed used to flash at about 1 Hz, but it was visible only once my eyes were properly dark-adapted. (There is now an LED lamp there and it does not flash.)

  • Petty much it has a constant dimmed light to it almost as if it's just been turned on and is beginning to warm up 

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