Voltage drop on a shower causing a light to come on

Hi everyone I was hoping someone might be able to help I came across a video on YouTube where when the shower was turned on it caused the bathroom light to glow while the switch was turned off. The person later explained it to be a voltage drop on the shower but to my understanding something like that wouldn't have that kind of effect ant guidance would be great thank you. 

  • Okay i believe I understand so the load neutral would then receive an extra 5 volts am I understand that right? 

    In a way, yes. A diagram might help:

    If you like the relative voltages, in red, show the voltage differences across each part (cable and load), whereas the blue figures show the voltages relative to Earth.

    But none of that directly explains why the lamp glows. If it's an incandescent, a substantial current must be available (much more than capacitive coupling would normally provide) and if the light were conventionally switched and the switch in the off position, there shouldn't be a path for such a current. There must be something odd with the setup or a  fault somewhere.

       - Andy.

  • Ah okay so across the line conductor where lossing 5v and then again across the load we lose a further 5 volts which goes down to earth and the neutral conductor. 

    Currently I am only a 3rd year electrical apprentice I was wondering if there was any materials I could read into to understand this all better 

    Thank you. 

  • There must be something odd with the setup or a  fault somewhere.

    Given that it was on YouTube, it might have been faked.

    Any chance of a link, Sam?

  • https://youtube.com/shorts/y08JoizQOgw?feature=share4

    Heres a link to the video it's a YouTube short without much information but if you look at the first comment on the video it provides a little more detail personally I think it's wrong and there's something else causing the issue. 

  • Cant see any comments at all just a picture of a lamp in a holder accompanied by annoying music. Could be almost anything - lamp in series with fan or another light fitting used to be a classic with decorators making a mess of loop through rose (aka 3 plate) ceiling fittings. I suspect that the use of phones to take a before and after pic have reduced this a bit

    Equally could be an LED 'filament' lamp and as above capacitance.

    I agree, shower  induced voltage drop is likely spurious.


  • Cant see any comments at all just a picture of a lamp in a holder accompanied by annoying music. Could be almost anything - lamp in series with fan or another light fitting used to be a classic with decorators making a mess of loop through rose (aka 3 plate) ceiling fittings. I suspect that the use of phones to take a before and after pic have reduced this a bit

    Equally could be an LED 'filament' lamp and as above capacitance.

    I agree, shower  induced voltage drop is likely spurious.


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