R1+R2 measurements and LCM (Modular Lighting Control Module)

I'm told by a contractor on site that the wiring beyond the LCM does not need to be tested and that the R1+R2 measurements can be taken from the LCM. What do you think? The LCM is located above a suspended ceiling and serves a number of light fittings on the ceiling grid.

  • It is more likely that the LCM involves solid state switching or at least he/ she  thinks it does, - perhaps rather like the triac lamp dimmers of old., and attempts to measure the live path though it, either with a low voltage DC (for R1) or mains AC (for Zs) are doomed to give fruit machine answers.

    A reasonable regs complaint compromise may be an R2 only wander lead test to anything that can be touched and should be earthed downstream of the offending box of magic- after all if R2 is OK, and R1 is a bit high/indeterminate, then the voltage it reaches during fault  is still safe - and if there are RCD/RCBO upstream , then exact numerical result, apart from 'not actually earthed'  of course is not especially critical, more of a 'cpc present?' check..


  • A reasonable regs complaint compromise may be an R2 only wander lead test to anything that can be touched and should be earthed downstream of the offending box of magic- after all if R2 is OK

    Agreed, R2 (wander lead) is acceptable ... but where ADS is used, still might require knowledge of the earth fault loop impedance?

    Alternatively, Guidance Note 3 Issue 9 (2022) advocates (Rn+R2) as an option where electronic switching prevents (R1+R2) - although again, would only provide knowledge of the loop impedance if Rn=R1 (i.e. no reduced neutrals)

  • A reasonable regs complaint compromise may be an R2 only wander lead test to anything that can be touched and should be earthed downstream of the offending box of magic- after all if R2 is OK

    Agreed, R2 (wander lead) is acceptable ... but where ADS is used, still might require knowledge of the earth fault loop impedance?

    Alternatively, Guidance Note 3 Issue 9 (2022) advocates (Rn+R2) as an option where electronic switching prevents (R1+R2) - although again, would only provide knowledge of the loop impedance if Rn=R1 (i.e. no reduced neutrals)

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