Capacitive coupling

Hi so I've been doing some research on capacitive coupling and I just wanted to see people's thoughts on my understanding as the stuff out there is a little difficult to follow and doesn't really provide much help. 

So from my understanding capacitive coupling occurs between an energized conductor and a non energized conductor due to the difference in potential difference.  From what I can see this is very similar to mutual inductance I am assuming the key difference is that mutual inductance works by inducing a current where as capacitive coupling works by transferring a voltage. 

Is this correct 

Thank you in advance 


  • well the inductance is a resistnace that rises with frequency - hence my 'juice' analogue of a propeller with a heavy flywheel - once moving it keeps moving, DC is no issue, but to get current  moving initially or to change direction takes time and voltage drop. The reverse of the capacitor case where fast things are easy, and slow ones take more voltage.

    In a transformer the propellers in two streams of 'juice' are geared to a common drive shaft....

    Pursuing the capacitor analogy further - the catastrophic breakdown of a capacitor is rather like the rupture of the rubber membrane - then there is a DC path and current (juice) flows right through.


  • well the inductance is a resistnace that rises with frequency - hence my 'juice' analogue of a propeller with a heavy flywheel - once moving it keeps moving, DC is no issue, but to get current  moving initially or to change direction takes time and voltage drop. The reverse of the capacitor case where fast things are easy, and slow ones take more voltage.

    In a transformer the propellers in two streams of 'juice' are geared to a common drive shaft....

    Pursuing the capacitor analogy further - the catastrophic breakdown of a capacitor is rather like the rupture of the rubber membrane - then there is a DC path and current (juice) flows right through.


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