Individual EVC's wired over 3-phases

Hello all

Please could anyone advise of any issues for installing single phase EVC's from a 3 phase supply.

Proposing there are 6 x 7kW chargers that are located adjacent to each other and wired from individual phases of a 3-phase supply in a local feeder pillar.

Each single phase charger circuit is protected separately in accordance with 722.533.101. The query is if there are any comments on the adjacencies of the vehicles given they are wired on separate phases?  

Thanks in advance

  • The issue of "simultaneously accessible single phase equipment on different phases" comes from industry guidance that was prevalent quite a long time ago ... based on what was in the Wiring Regs at the time.

    It's no longer an issue for single-phase equipment supplied from different phases of the same installation (and earthing system) to be simultaneously accessible.

    It's now accepted that if you can touch live conductors of two phases of an LV system at once from single-phase equipment then either:

    (a) two faults have occurred (and BS 7671 only deals with single-fault conditions); or

    (b) there have been two breaches of legislation.

  • Thanks Graham, appreciate your input. 

    Risk is still there but managed and with correct labelling  

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