Individual EVC's wired over 3-phases

Hello all

Please could anyone advise of any issues for installing single phase EVC's from a 3 phase supply.

Proposing there are 6 x 7kW chargers that are located adjacent to each other and wired from individual phases of a 3-phase supply in a local feeder pillar.

Each single phase charger circuit is protected separately in accordance with 722.533.101. The query is if there are any comments on the adjacencies of the vehicles given they are wired on separate phases?  

Thanks in advance

  • That all went well then! Labelling is not required and may unnecessaraly worry persons. Mental health is a big issue nowadays.

  • Indeed, especially perhaps on this forum (!) 

    Joking aside, I stand by my original answer - there is nothing for the original poster to worry about, 3 phase supplies are not especially more dangerous - actually most single phase supplies are derived from one. Far more important for EV charging are the earthing arrangements.


  • Indeed, especially perhaps on this forum (!) 

    Joking aside, I stand by my original answer - there is nothing for the original poster to worry about, 3 phase supplies are not especially more dangerous - actually most single phase supplies are derived from one. Far more important for EV charging are the earthing arrangements.


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