Split board


I've recently changed a consumer unit to a split board

Once done I started test the rcd.the right rcd triped all okay .the left rcd won't trip comes up greater than 300ms.so I swopped them and repeated the tests same thing happened. Its a tt system earth is 205 ohms 

Any ideas that I have over looked

  • the odd thing was ,i took out all the neutral's and had a dead short between neutral and earth i then switch of the main isolator and the dead short went

    With your  N connected to the supply (i.e. with main switch in the ON position) - N will always be connected to true earth via the supply arrangements (N is deliberately earthed at the transformer at the very least - often at many more places too via additional PME electrodes and other consumer's bonding). So there will be some continuity from N through true Earth to your TT electrode and hence to your Earth bar - in the region of your 205 Ohms - or 0.000205MΩ - which will show on most insulation meters as 0.00 or a dead short.

       - Andy.

  • When Paul Berryman said that he had a "dead short" I took it to mean that he had used a low resistance ohmmeter rather than an insulation tester.

    However, why was a dead test done with the main switch closed? (I am asking him, not Andy.)

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