AFDD in a hospice??

Hi All,

We are currently designing a a new build extension to a children’s / young adults hospice and hoping for some guidance.

the extension will consist of 3 new bedrooms, kitchen, corridors, community room and a garden.

Firstly, we are unsure if a hospice applies to any of the buildings outlined in 421.1.7 our understanding is that is does not. So we have referred to Section 710 and referred to 710.421.1.7 and using annex A710 we have determined  the bedrooms do not require AFDD's as they are group 1  and all other rooms would fall under group 0 and require a risk assessment.

Look forward to hearing your thoughts.


  • there is an argument that the hospice is a form of care home:

    I debated that with myself, but given that BS 7671 doesn't give a definition of a "care home", normal usage applies, and in normal usage "care homes" are distinct from "nursing homes". (i.e. care homes that also provide medical support). As care homes are listed but nursing homes aren't there must be a significant distinction there. I reckon a hospice is probably closer to a nursing home than a care home (or in some cases possibly somewhat closer to a normal home, if with a lot of extra support on the side).

        - Andy.

  • there is an argument that the hospice is a form of care home:

    I debated that with myself, but given that BS 7671 doesn't give a definition of a "care home", normal usage applies, and in normal usage "care homes" are distinct from "nursing homes". (i.e. care homes that also provide medical support). As care homes are listed but nursing homes aren't there must be a significant distinction there. I reckon a hospice is probably closer to a nursing home than a care home (or in some cases possibly somewhat closer to a normal home, if with a lot of extra support on the side).

        - Andy.
