Can you convert kWh from monthly electricity meter readings to maximum demand kW or kVA?

Can you convert kWh from monthly electricity meter readings to maximum demand kW or kVA? I have been provided with a tonne of metering data for a site I need to work out the maximum demand (kVA) that the building uses. Is this possble?

  • No.

    If the site is on HH billing you might be able to request MD specifically from the meter operator / energy supplier. Some kWh meters also have an MD register which you can interrogate via the screen/buttons, but not all have it enabled and it may well not have been reset for some time.

    Note that even HH data will not tell you, for example, whether 10kWh over a period is 20kW heaters running continuously or a 200kW motor running for 3 minutes.

  • No.

    If the site is on HH billing you might be able to request MD specifically from the meter operator / energy supplier. Some kWh meters also have an MD register which you can interrogate via the screen/buttons, but not all have it enabled and it may well not have been reset for some time.

    Note that even HH data will not tell you, for example, whether 10kWh over a period is 20kW heaters running continuously or a 200kW motor running for 3 minutes.

No Data