Bonding to extraneous-conductive part in a Zoo compound

A animal compound in a zoo made up of a metal framed building, steel uprights and substantial metal enclosures within the building

On one side of the enclosure the large animal housing that contains the animal shelter when within the building but no exposed conductive parts

on the other side of the enclosure (metal cage between the two) the area for the keepers to work that does contain exposed conductive parts - example large pressure washer.

What are the thoughts on bonding the metal caging to the MET ? (the caging - substantial 50 mm sq metal section - is an extraneous-conductive part by measurement via connection to the metal girders of the building)

  • According to BS 7671 section 705

    We do need to be a little careful here. I don't disagree it would be advantageous to use the guidance in Section 705 as a minimum, but generally zoo animals are not livestock (although some may be).

    BS 7671 is not aimed at protecting all animals (livestock, however, is part of the aims). Further, it should be noted that the reference standards BS EN IEC 60479-series Effects of current on human beings and livestock which is generally taken into account by electrical safety standards has some limitations when it comes to animals in general.

  • It is true that zoo animals may differ from livestock in their physical and behavioural traits, and therefore the protection measures of section 705 may not suit their needs. What other sources of guidance or standards that are specific to zoo animals can we refer to?

  • What other sources of guidance or standards that are specific to zoo animals can we refer to?

    Not a great deal at the moment, which is why I used the statement 'Section 705 as a minimum' ... I just don't want anyone to get the impression that it's 'Section 705, job done !'

    There are a huge amount of issues that are unaddressed, not limited to differences in size and reach of different animals, but also for example, how do we deal with the electrical installation for a polar bear enclosure (IK ratings out of the window), or a seal / sea lion pool - I have no clue how those creatures respond to electric shock !

  • What other sources of guidance or standards that are specific to zoo animals can we refer to?

    Not a great deal at the moment, which is why I used the statement 'Section 705 as a minimum' ... I just don't want anyone to get the impression that it's 'Section 705, job done !'

    There are a huge amount of issues that are unaddressed, not limited to differences in size and reach of different animals, but also for example, how do we deal with the electrical installation for a polar bear enclosure (IK ratings out of the window), or a seal / sea lion pool - I have no clue how those creatures respond to electric shock !

  • ...or a Hippo enclosure with a pool.

    Glen thank you for seeing the concerns. I was taking S. 705 as minimum and looking at lots of custom issues in what is an old installation. As such a platform like this to bounce thoughts and considerations is useful