Bonding to extraneous-conductive part in a Zoo compound

A animal compound in a zoo made up of a metal framed building, steel uprights and substantial metal enclosures within the building

On one side of the enclosure the large animal housing that contains the animal shelter when within the building but no exposed conductive parts

on the other side of the enclosure (metal cage between the two) the area for the keepers to work that does contain exposed conductive parts - example large pressure washer.

What are the thoughts on bonding the metal caging to the MET ? (the caging - substantial 50 mm sq metal section - is an extraneous-conductive part by measurement via connection to the metal girders of the building)

  • As such I want to address (and I may have this incorrect) by looking to equalise potential on the keepers side under fault conditions on the animals side you risk creating a potential difference

    Indeed. There seem to be two perineal problems with "equipotential zones" - firstly they're never quite equipotential (even bonding of a fraction of an Ohm will develop quite a significant voltage difference if the earth fault currents flowing through it can be large (which then often can be) - and then the problem of what happens at the edges - not too bad if you have insulating walls of a building to keep inside and outside apart, but  a lot trickier in many other situations.

       - Andy.

  • and then the problem of what happens at the edges

    or outdoors, where the potential gradient away from metal posts and fences that are bonded can drop off relatively quickly. unless you are stood on ground that has a bonded grid (of dimensions and depth compatible with the potential fall) buried in it.

  • and then the problem of what happens at the edges

    or outdoors, where the potential gradient away from metal posts and fences that are bonded can drop off relatively quickly. unless you are stood on ground that has a bonded grid (of dimensions and depth compatible with the potential fall) buried in it.

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