Effect of connecting transformer neutral and body earthing

Can you describe the effect of connecting transformer neutral and body earthing together  in TT system

  • Also be aware that in some parts of the world, N is distributed on the HV/primary side - in the UK we tend to assume that any talk of N will mean the LV/secondary side, but that's not necessarily always the case.

    I think normal UK practice is to Earth the transformer case on the HV/primary side (which may be solid metal back to the HV source, or a local electrode, depending mainly on whether the cables are overhead or underground) - LV N is always connected to Earth - sometimes sharing the same earthing facility as HV or sometimes a deliberately separated earth. Pros and cons to both arrangements.

       - Andy.

  • Also be aware that in some parts of the world, N is distributed on the HV/primary side - in the UK we tend to assume that any talk of N will mean the LV/secondary side, but that's not necessarily always the case.

    I think normal UK practice is to Earth the transformer case on the HV/primary side (which may be solid metal back to the HV source, or a local electrode, depending mainly on whether the cables are overhead or underground) - LV N is always connected to Earth - sometimes sharing the same earthing facility as HV or sometimes a deliberately separated earth. Pros and cons to both arrangements.

       - Andy.

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