"Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Guide for Local Authorities"


In Wiring Matters September 2022, there was notice of a publication "Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Guide for Local Authorities" due to be issued later in the year.

Almost a calendar year later, I can't seem to find this either on the IET site or the DfT site.

Did this ever see the light of day?

  • Hi

    This guide for local authorities has been delayed significantly due to some resourcing and approval issues within DfT.  However, we now have the final draft in house at the IET and expect to be publishing it within the next few months. We will promote it widely when it is made available as a free download.


  • Hi

    This guide for local authorities has been delayed significantly due to some resourcing and approval issues within DfT.  However, we now have the final draft in house at the IET and expect to be publishing it within the next few months. We will promote it widely when it is made available as a free download.


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