Lattice Mat Calc

I can't seem to correlate a conclusive answer on this, so thought I would pop a wee question.

Is there actually a regulation on the earth resistance requirement for EV chargers?

I'm trying to work out what size Lattice Mat I need to use for an installation. 



  • Is there a way to give an approx estimate on the size of the lattice Mat needed based on an estimate conductivity of the soil (say dry and wet conditions) and the Surface area of the mat. I can't seem to find anywhere that gives values of conductivity / resistance of soil in certain conditions. 

    BS 7430 (The  Code of practice for Earthing) might give you a start.

       - Andy.

  • Is there a way to give an approx estimate on the size of the lattice Mat needed based on an estimate conductivity of the soil (say dry and wet conditions) and the Surface area of the mat. I can't seem to find anywhere that gives values of conductivity / resistance of soil in certain conditions. 

    BS 7430 (The  Code of practice for Earthing) might give you a start.

       - Andy.

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