Surge protection - quote received


A bit of advice, and maybe a bit amusing. 

I have had our lightning protection systems tested recently, and it passed as expected, but I then received a quote from the same people stating that there is no surge protection on the main LV panel.

They didn't have access to it, its in the powerhouse, fed by a 1MVA transformer, but they have actually quoted £1,350 for a type 1 SPD to the main board and one SPD to the fire alarm. I know they have just sent this as a standard sort of touting for business thing, but it did make me wonder if there is actually any requirement to retrofit SPD to our existing installation

Any thoughts?


  • The fire alarm was serviced within the last month or so, no mention of any surge protection then, fire risk assessment is recent, and nothing about surge protection arose from that either. The design of it is still commensurate with the use and layout of the building

    I know there is a requirement for new installations, but does that apply to existing installations? I can understand adding them to boards as things are upgraded, to keep in line with the current regs. The fixed wiring testing is about to start so I will ask about it then too. We have 80 odd DBs across the site so I doubt we would get away with a single SPD

  • The fire alarm was serviced within the last month or so, no mention of any surge protection then, fire risk assessment is recent, and nothing about surge protection arose from that either. The design of it is still commensurate with the use and layout of the building

    I know there is a requirement for new installations, but does that apply to existing installations? I can understand adding them to boards as things are upgraded, to keep in line with the current regs. The fixed wiring testing is about to start so I will ask about it then too. We have 80 odd DBs across the site so I doubt we would get away with a single SPD

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